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Layanan Pembubutan CNC

CNC Turning is a manufacturing process in which bars of material are held in a chuck and rotated while a cutting tool is fed to the piece to remove material to create the desired shape. This process is typically used to create round or tubular shapes, Selain itu, CNC turning allows the generation of complex external geometries and internal holes, including the machining of various threadshexagons.


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  • Fleksibilitas
DEZE CNC Turning Service

CNC Turning Process Overview

Workpiece Preparation

Workpiece Preparation

Pemilihan Bahan: The process begins with choosing an appropriate material for the workpiece, which could be metal, plastik, kayu, or other materials.

Clamping: The workpiece is clamped into the chuck of the CNC lathe. The chuck holds the workpiece securely and rotates it during the machining process.



CAD/CAM Software: Engineers use Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software to create a detailed model of the part to be produced. This model is then imported into Computer-Aided Manufacturing (kamera) software to generate the machining instructions.

G-code: The CAM software translates the design into G-code, a language CNC machines understand. This code contains all the instructions for tool movements, spindle speeds, feed rates, dan parameter lainnya.

Pengaturan Mesin

Pengaturan Mesin

Pemilihan Alat: The appropriate cutting tools are selected and loaded into the turret of the CNC lathe. Common tools include turning tools, boring bars, and threading tools.

Tool Calibration: Each tool is calibrated to ensure it is correctly positioned relative to the workpiece. This involves setting the tool offsets and ensuring the machine’s coordinate system is properly aligned.

Machining Process

Machining Process

Spindle Rotation: The CNC lathe's spindle rotates the workpiece at a predetermined speed. The speed is selected based on the material and the desired surface finish.

Tool Movement: Holding the cutting tools, the turret moves along the X and Z axes (and sometimes the Y axis) to engage the tools with the rotating workpiece. The CNC system precisely controls the movement.

Penghapusan Materi: The cutting tool removes material from the workpiece in a controlled manner.

Kontrol Kualitas

Kontrol Kualitas

In-Process Inspection: As the machining progresses, measurements are taken to ensure the part meets the specified dimensions and tolerances. This can involve manual measurements or automated probing systems.

Final Inspection: Once the machining is complete, the part is removed from the machine and undergoes a thorough inspection for dimensional accuracy, permukaan akhir, and other quality criteria.

Post Processing

Pasca Pemrosesan

Deburring and Finishing: The machined part is often subjected to additional processes such as deburring (removing sharp edges), pemolesan, or coating to achieve the desired final properties.

Perakitan: If the part is a component of a larger assembly, it may be assembled with other parts as required.





Wood and Wood-Based Materials

  • 1. Aluminium - Lightweight and easy to machine, often used in aerospace, otomotif, and consumer products.
  • 2. Baja - Various types including stainless steel, baja perkakas, and carbon steel, used in construction, manufacturing, dan industri otomotif.
  • 3. titanium - Strong and lightweight, ideal for aerospace and medical applications.
  • 4. Kuningan - Good for electrical and decorative applications due to its conductivity and aesthetic appeal.
  • 5. Tembaga - Used for its excellent thermal and electrical conductivity.
  • 6. Perunggu - Known for its wear resistance and corrosion resistance.
  • 7. Magnesium - Lightweight and strong, used in electronics and aerospace.
  • 8. Tungsten - Very hard and heat-resistant, used in specialized applications like tooling.
  • 1. Akrilik (PMMA) - Transparent and easy to machine, used for displays and lighting.
  • 2. ABS (Akrilonitril Butadiena Stirena) - Durable and impact-resistant, commonly used in prototyping and manufacturing.
  • 3. komputer (Polikarbonat) - Transparent and impact-resistant, used in safety equipment and electronics.
  • 4. MENGINTIP (Polyether Ether Ketone) - High-temperature and chemical-resistant, used in aerospace and medical devices.
  • 5. Nilon (Poliamida) - Strong and flexible, used in gears and mechanical parts.
  • 6. PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) - Rigid and affordable, used in construction and signage.
  • 7. PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) - Used in packaging and containers.
  • 8. Polipropilena (hal) - Flexible and chemically resistant, used in packaging and medical devices.
  • 1. Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) - Rasio kekuatan terhadap berat yang tinggi, used in aerospace and automotive.
  • 2. Fiberglass Reinforced Polymers (FRP) - Strong and lightweight, used in construction and automotive.
  • 3. Kevlar - High tensile strength and cut resistance, used in protective gear and armor.
  • 1. Alumina - Used in electronic components and wear-resistant parts.
  • 2. Silicon Carbide - Hard and wear-resistant, used in abrasive applications.
  • 3. Zirconia - Strong and biocompatible, used in dental and medical applications.
  • 4. Glass - Transparent and brittle, used in optical components and decorative items.
  • 1. Solid Woods - Used in furniture and decorative items.
  • 2. MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard) - Used in furniture and cabinetry.
  • 3. Plywood - Used in construction and furniture.
Types of CNC Turning Operations

Types of CNC Turning Operations

CNC turning encompasses various operations performed on a turning center, termasuk:

  • 1. Facing: Cutting a flat surface perpendicular to the workpiece’s rotational axis by feeding the tool perpendicularly across the part.
  • 2. Berbelok: Removing material from the outer diameter of the workpiece, either parallel or at an angle to create tapered parts.
  • 3. Pengeboran: Creating holes along the rotational axis of the part. Advanced centers can drill in various orientations.
  • 4. Membosankan: Enlarging an existing hole by feeding a cutting tool into the hole's inner wall.
  • 5. Threading: Cutting threads on the inner or outer diameter of the workpiece.
  • 6. Grooving/Parting: Creating features like O-ring grooves or separating the finished part from the stock using a grooving tool.
  • 7. Knurling: Producing a diamond pattern on the outer diameter by compressing the material, commonly used for adding grips.

Advantages of CNC Turning

Presisi: CNC turning provides high precision and repeatability, ensuring consistent quality across multiple parts.

Efisiensi: Automated control reduces the time required for setup and machining, meningkatkan efisiensi produksi.

Bentuk Kompleks: Capable of producing complex geometries and intricate details that would be difficult or impossible to achieve manually.

Fleksibilitas: Suitable for a wide range of materials and applications, from prototyping to mass production.

Reduced Labor: Minimizes the need for manual intervention, reducing the risk of human error and improving safety.

What Is the difference between CNC Milling and Turning

What Is the difference between CNC Milling and Turning?

CNC Milling is mainly realized by rotating and moving the tool on the surface of the workpiece and is often used to process flat, curved surfaces and complex shapes of parts, seperti roda gigi, cetakan, parts shells, and so on.

CNC Turning is mainly realized by rotating the workpiece and cutting with the tool on the workpiece and is often used to process cylindrical-shaped parts, seperti poros, bantalan, benang, dll..

Turning and Milling Similarities

Both processes, turning and milling, use subtractive manufacturing to remove unwanted material, producing waste chips. They differ in stock material, machining methods, and tools but both utilize advanced CNC technology. Engineers program the machines using CAD software, reducing supervision and minimizing human error, which enhances speed and reliability for consistent quality.

Turning and milling are suitable for metals like aluminum, baja, kuningan, tembaga, and titanium, as well as various thermoplastics. Namun, they are not suitable for materials like rubber and silicone (too soft) atau keramik (too hard).

Both techniques generate heat and often use cutting fluid to manage this issue.

How to Choose Between CNC Milling and CNC Turning

CNC Milling is generally considered the most recommended method for producing parts with complex shapes, while CNC Turning is equally good for simpler, round shapes.

Nonetheless, Both CNC Milling and CNC Turning can be used sequentially when a part requires both complex shapes and cylindrical features. because there may be situations where both operation processes are required.

Professional Advice:

If you're unsure about which process to use or need guidance on the most efficient way to manufacture your part, consider hiring professional machining services. DEZE can help you make informed decisions based on your specific requirements and the characteristics of the part you wish to produce.

CNC Turning is a highly efficient and precise machining process used to create cylindrical and symmetrical parts. By automating the control of machine tools, it allows for the production of complex shapes with high accuracy and repeatability. This process is integral to modern manufacturing, providing the capability to produce high-quality components for various industries, termasuk otomotif, luar angkasa, medis, dan banyak lagi.


Casting & Machining PERUT


Jenis utama baja tahan karat adalah: baja tahan karat austenitik, baja tahan karat feritik, baja tahan karat dupleks (dupleks biasanya mengacu pada: austenit-ferit dua fase), baja tahan karat martensit dan pengerasan presipitasi.
Material Hardness is one of the key indicators used to evaluate a material's resistance to deformation, memakai, dan abrasi. Standar kekerasan yang umum mencakup Kekerasan Vickers (HV), Kekerasan Brinell (HB), dan Kekerasan Rockwell (HRC).
Alat grooving sangat penting dalam proses pemesinan, dirancang untuk memotong alur, slot, dan profil menjadi bahan. Memilih alat grooving yang tepat untuk aplikasi spesifik sangat penting untuk mencapai presisi tinggi, efisiensi, dan kualitas permukaan.