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Dar » Casting Stainless Steel

Casting Stainless Steel

Stainless steel casting, as its name implies, is the casting process of stainless steel alloys. Investment casting or lost wax casting, is the most precise casting method to manufacture stainless steel products, especially those irregular or complex structures, so stainless steel investment casting is almost equal to stainless steel precision casting.

Investment casting or lost wax casting, is the most precise casting method to manufacture stainless steel products, especially those irregular or complex structures, so stainless steel investment casting is almost equal to stainless steel precision casting. The whole casting stainless steel process contains several steps: mold making, wax model making, tree assembly, dipping and dewaxing, pouring, eċċ.

Liema materjali huma użati fl-ikkastjar ta ' l-investiment?


  • Ligi tal-aluminju
  • Ligi tal-bronż
  • Ligi tal-manjeżju
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  • Azzar li ma jsaddadx
  • Azzar tal-għodda
stainless steel casting

Stainless Steel Casting– Manufacturing Process

stainless steel casting design


A design engine first makes a wax pattern using a metal injection die. The pattern will have all the details for a section or portion of the finished component but with slightly larger dimensions to account for thermal contraction.

stainless steel casting mould


Li jmiss, the engineer creates the runner and gating system by connecting multiple patterns to form the final component. Molten metal will flow through the runner system as it fills cavities in the mold, creating a well-balanced casting. Gates are the openings between the runner and the cavity that feeds molten metal into the space.

stainless steel casting shell making

Għemil tal-qoxra

Once the entire pattern is complete, it is dipped into a ceramic slurry and covered with sand stucco. The design engineer repeats the dipping process until the shell achieves the appropriate thickness. At this point, the dried shell’s durability is strong enough to withstand the heat from the molten metal. Ukoll, it will retain its shape during the last step.

stainless steel casting casting


The wax melts away under high temperatures, and trace amounts soak into the plaster or ceramic mold. The void left by the melted wax pattern will be filled with an alloy to create a precise cast stainless steel part.

The other common methods of casting stainless steel:

  • Casting ċentrifugali
  • Continuous casting
  • Tidwib tar-ramel
  • Corner casting
  • Pressure die casting
  • Casting tax-xama' mitlufa

What is the most suitable grade of stainless steel for casting?

Before that, note that steel is a metal alloy majorly comprising of iron and carbon together with other elements.

Madankollu, stainless steel is an alloy made up of a large quantity of chromium content usually not less than 10.5 % by mass.

The rest of the mass is composed of iron.

Notevolment, chromium is responsible for corrosion resistance and therefore any increase in chromium would make the metal more resistant to corrosion.

Barra minn hekk, apart from chromium, stainless steel is also made up of other ingredients like:

  • Molibdenu
  • Nikil
  • Titanju
  • Ram
  • Nitroġenu
  • Phosphorous etc.

Among all these minor components, molybdenum is absolutely unique. It drastically enhances the corrosion resistance of the stainless steel.

These types are stainless steel 304 u l-istainless steel 316

It is therefore evident that there exist several types of stainless steel apart from the two common ones mentioned.

The difference among them is their distinct alloy composition due to the difference in chemical composition and also their varied physical properties.

Għalhekk, the best grades for casting are:

Azzar li ma jsaddadx 304
Azzar li ma jsaddadx 316

Types of stainless steel


There are several“families” of stainless steel. Each of these families has different proportions of iron, kromju, and carbon. Some have other elements, like nickel, molibdenu, manganiż, or copper. The properties of these steels vary by content, making this a versatile group of alloys.

Stainless steel grades

Grades give a hint as to the family of a particular stainless steel. The most common grades are:

  • Ferritic stainless: 430, 444, 409
  • Austenitic stainless: 304, 302, 303, 310, 316, 317, 321, 347
  • Martensitic stainless: 420, 431, 440, 416
  • Duplex stainless: 2304, 2205
LigaCommon UsageApplikazzjonijiet
304Food grade steel, housings, bodies

304 is widely accepted in the food industry as the standard for cleanliness as well as corrosion resistance.




304L/316LSimilar to other 300 series steel, il "L" stands for low carbon, making it softer but more corrosion resistant for each grade of material.

Ikel & Dairy



316Housings, gerijiet, pjanċi

316 is known for its superior corrosion resistance, making it ideal for many uses including marine environments.



Ikel & Dairy

416Housings, boxxli, mankijiet, parentesi

400 series steels are high strength and very machinable. They will tend to break rather than bend under intense pressure


Machine Tool

Ikel & Dairy

17-4Rods, labar, links, arms

17-4 is the strongest of the stainless steel family and is used on parts that cannot bend..



Machine Tool


Application of stainless steel casting

The application of stainless steel casting is very extensive, mainly used under various corrosive conditions of media, especially in applications that require resistance to environmental corrosion, demonstrating its unique advantages. Stainless steel casting technology is not only suitable for casting various types and alloys, iżda tipproduċi wkoll ikkastjar bi preċiżjoni dimensjonali ogħla u kwalità tal-wiċċ minn metodi oħra ta 'ikkastjar. This technology is particularly suitable for manufacturing complex, high-temperature resistant, and difficult to machine castings, even for complex shapes that are difficult to cast using other casting methods, which can be achieved through stainless steel precision casting technology.

Stainless steel castings have a wide range of market applications, including but not limited to industrial products, machinery manufacturing, tagħmir kimiku, bini tal-vapuri, eċċ. Fosthom, stainless steel cast steel parts are generally used under various corrosive conditions in various media. Especially after the discovery in 1910 that the Cr content in steel exceeded 12% and had good corrosion and oxidation resistance, the application of stainless steel castings became more widespread. Barra minn hekk, stainless steel castings are widely used in fields such as power equipment, petrochemicals, and food processing to meet various complex environments and application needs.

  • Aerospazjali
  • Agricultural, Industrial & other Heavy Equipment
  • Military & Defense Casting Parts
  • Medical Devices & Equipment
  • Marine boat hardwares
  • Hand Tools & Power Equipment
  • Automotive/Truck Parts
  • Door & Lock Security Hardware
  • Pump & Valve Castings

Qasam tal-karozzi

Qasam tal-karozzi

Partijiet tal-ikkastjar tal-karozzi

Qasam aerospazjali

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Qasam militari

Qasam militari

Partijiet tal-ikkastjar tat-tagħmir militari

Investiment Casting Partijiet Gallerija



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Ħaddiem tal-Iwweldjar

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Partijiet tal-ikkastjar tal-investiment


Partijiet tal-ikkastjar tal-investiment

Partijiet tal-ikkastjar tal-investiment


Start A Cast Stainless Steel Project With DEZE Foundry


Stainless steel casting may have roots dating back 5,000 snin, but it still has beneficial applications in modern society. Throughout the world, industries rely on cast stainless steel to produce intricate stainless steel components with smooth finishing, unique geometric shapes, and tight tolerances, including marine, tal-karozzi, food processing equipment, and automotive manufacturing industries.

DEZE Foundry offers superb stainless steel investment casting and machining services. We use specialized lost wax investment casting process to customize quality cast stainless steel parts quickly. If you would like to learn more about our casting services and receive a free quote on your upcoming project, contact ourstainless steel foundrytoday.


Casting & Machining BOLG


It-tipi ewlenin ta 'l-istainless steel huma: azzar inossidabbli awstenitiku, azzar li ma jissaddadx ferritiku, azzar inossidabbli duplex (duplex normalment jirreferi għal: austenite-ferrite żewġ fażijiet), azzar li ma jissaddadx martensitiku u li jwebbi l-preċipitazzjoni.
Material Hardness is one of the key indicators used to evaluate a material's resistance to deformation, jilbsu, u brix. L-istandards komuni tal-ebusija jinkludu l-Ebusija Vickers (HV), Ebusija Brinell (HB), u Rockwell Hardness (HRC).
L-għodod tal-grooving huma essenzjali fil-proċessi tal-magni, iddisinjati biex jaqtgħu skanalaturi, slots, u profili f'materjali. L-għażla ta 'l-għodda ta' grooving t-tajba għal applikazzjoni speċifika hija kruċjali biex tinkiseb preċiżjoni għolja, effiċjenza, u l-kwalità tal-wiċċ.